
In an attempt to produce a consistent series of posts to this blog I have failed to do just that. I let several life events hold me back, when I should have been using those supposed roadblocks to enhance my writing skills. For that I am sorry to my many followers who are sure to be reading this well into the future. In any event I return to this blog with revived enthusiasm and dedication that hopefully will bring you a brief moment of relief from your chaotic life.

Let’s catch up for a bit.

            Since the last post I have graduated with my associates degree, had a child graduate himself, repaired and sold a money pit of a home, bought a new home in which we close on very soon, continued to take classes at two schools, and have another child begin high school. That’s a lot to unpack so…I won’t.

            At the heart of all this is to say that even if you can’t accomplish everything you want to, you can prioritize what is essential and adjust your plan of action. I wanted to post to the blog, but I put my effort into all the other things that I felt needed my attention more. But, in this experience, I have learned that I should evaluate these priorities from time to time and move some up the ladder. This blog is one that should have more of an important role in my list of things I want to accomplish. My goal is not only become a better writer or student but to learn how to life better. I hope this record of my days will continue indefinitely but it may not. Other significant life goals may necessitate this blog to be relegated to a lower priority in the future. That is ok and actually encouraging in that I will be growing beyond the point where I am now.