Nothing like a trip of a lifetime to reset the routine for a final push to enter my final year of this return journey to school. Scotland and the greater UK were exactly what was needed to suspend our lives back in the States. Pursuing, and achieving, this voyage was a much-appreciated exercise in patience, wit, and awareness that will undoubtedly prepare us well for the nearing conclusion of our scholarly endeavor.
For me, this most recent term has been uneventful, but progress nonetheless. A beneficial communication seminar and web design class were the two on the docket for the Fall 2023 term. My communication skills can always be improved and even if the instruction is basic in its scope, I still managed to take away some useful considerations. Web design has caught my attention much more so, I would say. The ability to create a fundamental web page with zero additional programs and the most basic HTML knowledge made the introduction to the material undemanding. We are building upon previous lessons to create a web page of a business we choose and design. Adding each element with more complexity than the last to, in the end, establish a unique and inviting web site you could publish with the confidence of functionality.
Pubba has been working exceedingly hard to finish her semester and graduate in the Summer of next year. The advancement she has made leaves me in awe and proud to be with her during this journey, and afterwards of course. The skills she has sharpened in her experience propels her beyond her classmates and leaves her professors with a sense of unearned pride for their instruction efforts. Pubba is not satisfied with a conferred undergraduate degree alone though. She is moving on to grad school in the Fall of 2024 to further strengthen her resume with an MBA. I expected nothing less from the person who initially convinced me that I should believe in myself a little more and take on the challenge she already knew I could conquer.